Thursday, July 4, 2019

A weekend away in New York 

Last weekend I went to New York with my kids.  It'd been 14 years since I'd last been to the city.  So the difference between 30 years old and 44 years old, a life time. We stayed in the financial district, right next to ground zero.  It was hot, frenetic and crowed with people.  However, that city never fails to disappoint.  We hit the Highline immediately which was just phenomenal.  A 2.33 km walk along the city's old meat packing district.  Now surrounded by hip condos you walk along a garden dotted with art.  New Yorkers are out en mass, reading on benches, sitting in the outdoor pub or perusing the art.

We hit Soho for dinner.  An outdoor patio that allowed for people watching.  The next day we hit the ground hard, from Time Square, to the Met, to Toy Story 4 back through Central park and a quick take out dinner at Whole Foods,  we walked roughly 20 km.  Sunday was a little more carefully paced with a long visit at the museum of the city of New York. It's an interactive museum, focusing on the city's storied and iconic struggle with labor.  It was incredibly informative and the kids were happy.  Back to the hotel for a quick rest and out to Little Italy for dinner.  One of my requests was a trip to the Strand bookstore.  A bookstore that just keeps going and going, roughly 18 miles of books. The trip was topped off with a quick stop at Glossier.  ( A very cool make up store with only two locations world wide).  We had to line up but it was worth the wait, my daughter's face was glowing with happiness.  And then we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge.

It was a whirlwind of a trip but it was fun.  Every night we were back at our hotel to watch Friends, which felt appropriate given our location.  We had no itinerary, just followed our bliss.  We had ideas and interests but for the most part we kept plans flexible.  We relied on the subway to get around and walked a lot.  We took a cab once.  The city is incredibly vibrant and has a pulse.  I've been going since I was 15 years old an quite frankly I can't wait to go back again.  All we brought was a knapsack each which allowed for lots of flexibility and discouraged shopping.  I always think to myself after one of these weekends away, what else could I have been doing? And that's sort of the point right?  We were out exploring.  This is what we will remember.  Not the day to day grind but our trip to New York.

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