Monday, May 20, 2019

A couple movies to pass the time

The Raptors won last night in double OT.  I figured they would, because it was a home game and the disappointing effort on Friday would have motivated them to play with more focus.  I've put myself in a bad position for Tuesday's game because I'm committed to seeing End Game with some friends.  My kids  saw it without me, which was fair.  I was too busy to catch it on opening weekend.  So I've decided I will go Tuesday but I am rationalizing my decision with the argument that Thursday's game is more important.  Such is life, there is a lot to see and do. 

This weekend has just flown by and the extra day is such a treat.  I managed to fit in two movies.  John Wick and The Invitation.   It was nice to have the time, I rarely get to do that anymore.  My son got me on the John Wick bandwagon,  although I will admit to having already been very intrigued.  I had recently read an interview with Keanu Reeves in GQ magazine.  I like him.  I think he is good people.  Apparently John Wick was a game changer for him and reignited his career.  I tried watching it years ago and it hadn't clicked.  This time I was pleasantly surprised.  I watched the movie with my two kids and was thoroughly entertained.  It was actually pretty funny and Reeves plays campy cool brilliantly.  It's only 100 minutes long which is refreshing because you know you have to settle in for those intense fight scenes.  I can only take those for so long and my mind starts to wander but I was not bored at any point.  Next on the list is John Wick 2

The Invitation was a different genre; thriller, horror and drama wrapped into one.  Again, short and sweet running at 100 minutes.  Essentially, the plot is about a dinner party that goes astray and as you're watching your spidey senses are constantly a tingle.  As I've gotten older I've grown to love mystery.  In particular I've taken to murder mystery literature.  I really like trying to figure out what is going to happen and solve the mystery.  I had The Invitation figured out pretty quickly but it was interesting seeing how it unfolded.  It was disturbing and well written.  And again, I wasn't bored at any point.  My son and I took great pleasure in guessing the next twist and turn. 

I like weekends like this, where time meanders and you're surrounded with friends and family.  I had lots of reading time too and will finish up Tana French's The Wych Elm this week.  The sun has been shining and I feel settled and ready to tackle the week. I wish I could hold on to time.  It just keeps passing.

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