Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Throwing out the to do list

Procrastination is something I struggle with daily.  It causes me anxiety when I mentally tabulate my to do list.  The list is never ending and can seem overwhelming.  I used to think that successful people were not fazed by their to do lists.  In fact, they seem to thrive on doing as opposed to being.  Perhaps, a to do list is a bit more complex, it might be more of a way of life.  I have friends who never stop.  From dawn to dusk they accomplish tasks.  I also have friends who aren't up before dawn are are awake well past dusk.  I would include my son and N in that group.  I think I fit in the second group.  I would be perfectly happy sleeping in and going to bed late.  I would love to reduce my to do list, I don't particularly like running around.  I am pretty happy going at a very slow pace.  Or at least getting my to do list done as quickly as possible. Then I can achieve my ultimate goal, which is to do nothing.  I'd rather have no list at all.

That's not realistic when you choose the path I chose.  And quite frankly I was driven to accomplish as much as possible.  Clearly I wanted to get to the point where I had options.  I knew I would run out of steam, my nature is not bent towards achievement.  I just don't care enough, I'd rather be reading.  Now I have a different perspective.  I suspect every one has a different definition of success.  It means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  I think what I am starting to figure out is that I am not driven by external rewards.  Working is a means to an end for me and provides me with no intrinsic satisfaction.  I work to live.  And my to do list feels like a trap so I procrastinate to avoid doing tasks that bore me.

I think half the battle is acknowledging how you feel.  I have a clearer path now, that will allow me to make different decisions.  Everything I've done up to this point has led me here and it's exactly where I want to be.  Then I will change my to do list or throw it out. There are so many books I need to read and so many places I have to visit.  It's all about perspective. You sort of grind along and figure it out. 


  1. You are a very interesting individual. I respect your approach to both reading and travel, to experience in general.

  2. Thank you!! I plan to continue doing both as much as possible.
