Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The case of the missing book

Since N and I blended households, there has been a lot of change.  For the most part it has been going relatively well.  Our home is male dominated and emotions can run high but they are contained.  We have lots of space which allows everyone breathing room.  Still, with new people there comes different habits.

I order a lot of books and my kids show next to no interest in my books.  I also read a lot of blogs.  I have been avidly reading New Escapologist archives. I stumbled on the blog roughly a month ago and can't stop reading entries.  I was so intrigued I ordered Robert Wringham's book Escape Everything from Amazon.  It was shipped from England.  It took weeks to arrive.  I was in the middle of reading another book when N handed it to me.  I delightedly opened the package, read the intro by Raptitudes's David Cain and promptly put it on the coffee table.

The other day I was reading and made note that Escape Everything was no longer on the coffee table.  I shrugged it off, I tend to misplace things all the time.  I went to work and started thinking, where is that book?  It's hard to miss, a black and white hardcover with a distinctive cover.  I texted N.  He couldn't find the book.  I texted my kids.  About a half hour later, N texted me that he had found the book downstairs on a coffee table in the tv room.  N's 24 year old step son had seen the book, it had caught his interest and he had wandered off with it to have a look.  I was relieved. For one thing we found my book and maybe someone else will read the book.

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