Thursday, June 13, 2019

Treading Water 

It's game day.  I hope they win tonight.  That's all I am going to say.  Go Raptors go!!

I've been reading Robert Wringham's book; Escape Everything and I think it's fantastic.  He clearly points out the incredible contradictions inherent in the desk jockey's mundane life.  The circle of consumerism and debt. How we become trapped by the crap we buy and compromise ourselves by maintaining a tiny life and missing out on the bigger more fulfilling experiences.  I don't know if it's a good idea for me to read this book.  I will finish reading it because it's brilliant and completely spot on.  I just find it frustrates me to no end because I understand the concepts.  And yet I have to keep moving forward and play the game.

N and I are on the cusp of making some changes but it's still a long ways away.  I think the next five years are going to be a great opportunity for us to really figure out how we want to explore a different way of life. I'm thinking living out of a suitcase for a few years might be a good start.  I want to get off the grid.  I want to control my own accessibility.  Yesterday I watched a fantastic episode of Black Mirror with guest star Topher Grace.  It was an insightful episode on how social media impacts society and has essentially become more formidable and far reaching then
traditional institutions of power.  How the tech giants are like Gods walking around among mere mortals and have altered society in ways that will continue to impact us forever.  It was a draining episode and I felt dispirited and defeated at the end.  I almost felt like human life is no longer valued because everyone is a peon in a much bigger game controlled by a few exceptionally brilliant men.

So I am going to keep trucking along and fighting the good fight.  I still have some steam and I can still tread water. The great wild beyond is calling my name.  I want to climb mountains, est spicy food, here different languages around me and feel uncomfortable.  I want to see, feel and explore different lands and stay up all night watching the sun set and rise.  I want to leave this world of instant gratification and stultifying structure and forget what day or time it is..and I want to do it all with N by my side. 

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